日本語 Updates




Dr. Michael McGuire

Perio Health Professionals Headquarters,

Dr. McGuire is the author of over 50 scientific articles and textbook chapters regarding the field of periodontology. He has also served as a member of the editorial board of a number of publications including the Journal of Periodontology, International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry and International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants.

He is a well-known speaker and who has seen through over 200 educational programs, while delivering lectures both locally and internationally. The American Academy of Periodontology has also recognized his research with two of its highest awards, the Robinson Regeneration Award, and Clinical Research Award, both of which were received twice. The American Academy of Periodontology has also awarded Dr. McGuire the Master Clinician Award and its highest accolade, the Gold Medal Award.

Dr. McGuire occupies a top-ranking position within numerous dental institutions, and has served as the Committee Director of the American Board of Periodontology as well as the Chairman of the American Academy of Periodontology and American Academy of Periodontology Foundation, among others.

Dr. McGuire graduated from Baylor University with a B.A. in Psychology, and received his D.D.S degree with a Specialization in Periodontology from Emory University. In 2009, Emory University also awarded Dr. McGuire with its Distinguished Alumni Award.

Dr. E. Todd Scheyer

Perio Health Professionals Headquarters,

Dr. E. Todd Scheyer graduated from Arizona State University with exceptional results that received him a B.S. in Biology. He would later receive a Clinical Research Award and graduate Magna Cum Laude from Virginia Columbia University’s School of Dentistry. At the University of Texas Health Science Center and School of Biomedical Science at San Antonio, Dr. Scheyer would receive a Certificate in Periodontics, Conscious Sedation and a Masters Degree.

In February 2001, Dr. Scheyer was granted the John F. Picard Award for his research, and certified by the American Board of Periodontology. He currently serves as a board member in numerous dental institutions of high standing.

Dr. Scheyer practices as a specialist in periodontics and dental implants in Houston, Texas. He also serves as a Clinical Assistant Lecturer at the University of Texas, School of Dentistry, Houston and a Visiting Lecturer for the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

Along with Dr. McGuire, Dr. Scheyer established a clinical research center that remains the most accomplished institution of its kind in regards to periodontics. Starting from 1989, this allowed Dr. Scheyer and Dr. McGuire to establish a robust clinical research network. Dr. Scheyer is renowned throughout the nation as a leader in his field of study, and has shared both his research and views at a number of lectures, both internationally and locally. Dr. Scheyer’s research is currently focused on periodontal tissue regeneration, 3D treatment planning, clinical research networks and dental implant treatment-based regenerative treatments.

Dr. Takanari Miyamoto

Metro West Dental Specialty,
Creighton University

Creighton University, Department of Periodontics, Professor
Practicing in Nebraska State

Graduated from School of Dentistry at Matsudo
Graduated from UTHealth School of Dentistry
Associate Professor at UTHealth School of Dentistry
Graduated from Nihon University, School of Dentistry (Doctorate)
Associate Professor at Creighton University
Certified by the American Board of Periodontology
Received Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Award from American Academy of Periodontology
Professor at Creighton University, Department of Periodontics
Established a clinic specializing in periodontology in Nebraska state
Received Bud and Linda Tarrson Award from American Academy of Periodontology Foundation


Dr. Teppei Tsukiyama

Tsukiyama Dental Clinic
Graduated from Kyushu University, Faculty of Dental Science
Dental and Oral Surgeon at Saga Dental University (Currently, Saga University, School of Dentistry)
Chairman of the Academy of Gnathology and Occlusion, Apprenticed to Dr. Kazuhiro Yazawa
Graduated with Certificate of Excellence at Tufts University, School of Dental Medicine, Advanced Education in Periodontology
Certified as Diplomate by the American Board of Periodontology
Received Award of Excellence (Best Poster) from Boston Periodontal Residents Meeting
Awarded M.S. in Dentistry in the USA
Fellow of Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Esthetic Dentistry Program
Served as Language Reviewer for ITI (International Team for Implantology)
Visiting Lecturer at Tufts University, School of Dental University, Department of Periodontology
Certified by the European Association of Osseointegration
Head Dentist of Tsukiyama Dental Clinic Specialist Center


Dr. Takayuki Nakagawa

Entoku Dental Clinic
March 2005
Graduated from Niigata University, Faculty of Dentistry
April 2005-
Served at Niigata University Medical & Dental Hospital
May 2006-
Served at Hiyoshi Dental Clinic, Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture
Participant in 3-Month Fellowship Research under Dr. McGuire
April 2011
Established Entoku Dental Clinic

Takaaki Kishimoto

Kishimoto Dental

Specialist in Periodontics in the United States
Certified as Diplomate by the American Board of Periodontology
Associate Professor at Nagasaki University, School of Dentistry

Graduated from Nagasaki University, School of Dentistry
Served at Nagasaki University, School of Dentistry Affiliated Hospital
Graduated with Masters in Periodontology from Nagasaki University, School of Dentistry
Established Kishimoto Dental
Certified by Japanese Society of Periodontology
2014~2017 (March 13th)
Completed Advance Course at Indiana University, School of Dentistry
Received M.S. in Dentistry
October 2017
Returned to Japan
Specializes in periodontal and dental implants treatment based off latest research

Dr. Sogo Ando

Namikitori Dental Clinic
Graduated from Asahi University, School of Dentistry
Served as MedicalResident at Aichi Graduate University, School of Dentistry
Established Namikitori Dental Clinic

Dr. Mikihisa Fukuda

(Part-time Visiting Director)
Fukuda Dental Clinic
March 2008
Graduated from Nihon University School of Dentistry
April 2008
Intern at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Dental Hospital
March 2009
End of internship at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Dental Hospital
March 2010
End of residency at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Department of Periodontology
DParticipant in 3-Month Fellowship Research under Dr. McGuire
October 2011
Established Fukuda Dental Clinic

Supporting faculty

Dr. Melissa Lang (Assistant Professor of Periodontics, Creighton University)

Dr. Larry Parrish (Associate Professor of Periodontics, Creighton University)

Dr. Raymond Olmo (Associate Clinical Professor of Periodontics, Creighton University)

Dr. Neil Norton (Associate Professor of Oral Biology (Dental Anatomy), Creighton University)

Dr. Douglas Benn (Adjunct Professor, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Creighton University)


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